SOUL PLACES explores the connection between the beauty of nature and humanity, specifically the relationship between environmental wellbeing and mental wellbeing.
In the face of a population experiencing burgeoning mental health issues and environmental challenges, indigenous elders, environmental and mental well-being experts, share timely insights into the restoration of balance.
Can we find a sense of belonging, and empowerment through connection to the natural world?
A cinematic and musical odyssey, SOUL PLACES juxtaposes the challenges of urban living, with the evolution of nature’s processes. Cutting edge cinematography of nature’s beauty, in cohesion with ancient rhythms, and profound wisdom, form a spellbinding journey of connection with our living planet.
28% of people now experience a mental health condition across the globe. And 56% of the world’s population, 4.4 billion inhabitants, now live in cities.
Science has shown us that experiencing natural environments, even viewing nature, through films and photographs, can have a variety of health benefits including: stress reduction, improved mood, enhanced cognitive function, increased physical activity and immune system support.
Through immersive visual storytelling, SOUL PLACES offers insight, reflection, and a renewed perspective on the intrinsic bond between humanity and planet earth, providing a timely response to the environmental and mental wellbeing challenges we face in the modern era.
SOUL PLACES aims to inspire a renewed sense of stewardship for the natural world. In doing so, we investigate how beneficial time in nature is for our mental wellbeing. This makes a compelling case to find inner harmony and kinship, while preserving the delicate balance between humanity and the environment.
'Every living thing that seeks sustenance from our Earth Mother is family.'
Dr Rangimarie Turuki Rose Pere

Wisdom Keepers
- We'll film more beautiful people and share as the journey continues -

If you’d like to invite us to host a screening, we’d love to hear from you!

If you’d like to invite a filmmaker to present the film and answer questions about it, invite us, we’d love to hear from you!
Would you like to partner us on the journey with SOUL PLACES? If you’re interested we’d love to hear from you!
Mark Lapwood and Christine Spicer

If you’d like to contact us about the film, give us a shout, we’d love to hear from you!
Mark Lapwood NZCS ACS - Director / Cinematographer
email: info@soulplacesmovie.nz