Dr. Rangimarie Turuki Arikirangi Rose Pere. C.B.E. C.M

Whaea Rose was a Tohuna  and a teacher of the Kura Huna, the traditional mystery school of the Maori. She was the elder of several major tribes and a Guardian of Earth Mother.

Internationally sought after as a speaker and spiritual authority, Rose spent her life as an educator of immense stature working in the world of Maori and non-Maori. She was the Young Maori Woman of the Year in 1972, awarded the New Zealand 1990 Commemoration medal. C.M. and became a Commander of the British Empire receiving her C.B.E. in 1996.

Dr. Pere was also a highly respected conservationist. Adopted by the Cherokee nation of the United States, Dr. Pere is known as White Eagle Medicine Woman of Peace. In her role as a foremost educationalist, spiritual healer and philanthropist, she is recognised internationally and has interacted with nations throughout the world.

Sadly Rose passed away in December 2020. Her spirit lives on with us always.

“AIO Wairua, ka nui te aroha mo koutou nga Atua Kotahi ke,
te arahi i ahau ki roto i aku hikoitanga.
Ko te Kuranui! Tihei mauriora!”

Dr. Rose Pere